Плавленый глинозем

Коричневый порошок плавленого глинозема для пескоструйной обработки

Коричневый плавленый глинозем изготавливается из бокситов в качестве основного сырья и плавится при высокой температуре. Он коричневато-коричневого цвета, с высокой твердостью и вязкостью. Шлифовальные инструменты, изготовленные с его помощью, подходят для шлифования углеродистой стали, ковкого чугуна, твердой бронзы и т. Д. Кроме того, он широко используется в огнеупорных материалах, химических добавках, прецизионном литье и противоскользящих материалах.

F46 Low Chromium Pink Fused Alumina

Pink fused alumina is mainly made of alumina powder, added chromium oxide, and melted at high temperatures. It has the advantages of high hardness, high toughness and high wear resistance. Pink fused alumina is suitable for processing workpieces with high smoothness requirements, such as quenched steel, alloy steel, precision measuring tools, and instrument parts with high toughness.

Белый плавленый глинозем для абразивных инструментов

Белый плавленый глинозем представляет собой белый искусственный корунд, как и природные драгоценные камни корунда, обладает характеристиками высокой твердости, высокой термостойкости, стабильных химических свойств и высокой чистоты. Твердость белого корунда по шкале Мооса составляет 9, уступая только алмазу, с максимальной рабочей температурой, близкой к 2000 °C, и содержанием Al2O3 более 99%. Эти превосходные свойства материала делают использование белого плавленого глинозема сегодня все более распространенным в промышленном производстве.

Он обладает отличными механическими свойствами, включая высокую твердость, высокую прочность, высокую ударную вязкость и износостойкость. Он не только обладает высокой твердостью, но и имеет хрупкую текстуру и высокую силу резания. Он обладает хорошей изоляцией, самозатачиванием, износостойкостью и теплопроводностью, а также стойкостью к кислотной и щелочной коррозии и устойчивостью к высоким температурам. Поэтому, как сверхтвердый материал, белый плавленый оксид алюминия обладает отличными свойствами.

Brown Fused Alumina for Abrasive Tools

Brown fused alumina is made from bauxite as the main raw material and is melted at high temperature. It is brownish brown, with high hardness and toughness. The grinding tools manufactured with it are suitable for grinding carbon steel, malleable cast iron, hard bronze, etc. In addition, it is widely used in refractory materials, chemical additives, precision casting, and anti-skid materials.

Розовый плавленый глинозем для полировки и шлифовки

Розовый плавленый глинозем в основном изготавливается из порошка оксида алюминия с добавлением оксида хрома и плавится при высоких температурах. Он обладает такими преимуществами, как высокая твердость, высокая прочность и высокая износостойкость. Розовый плавленый глинозем подходит для обработки заготовок с высокими требованиями к гладкости, таких как закаленная сталь, легированная сталь, прецизионные измерительные инструменты и детали приборов с высокой прочностью.

F120 Low Chromium Pink Fused Alumina

Pink fused alumina is mainly made of alumina powder, added chromium oxide, and melted at high temperatures. It has the advantages of high hardness, high toughness and high wear resistance. Pink fused alumina is suitable for processing workpieces with high smoothness requirements, such as quenched steel, alloy steel, precision measuring tools, and instrument parts with high toughness.

F120 Medium Chromium Pink Fused Alumina

Pink fused alumina is mainly made of alumina powder, added chromium oxide, and melted at high temperatures. It has the advantages of high hardness, high toughness and high wear resistance. Pink fused alumina is suitable for processing workpieces with high smoothness requirements, such as quenched steel, alloy steel, precision measuring tools, and instrument parts with high toughness.

F46 Medium Chromium Pink Fused Alumina

Pink fused alumina is mainly made of alumina powder, added chromium oxide, and melted at high temperatures. It has the advantages of high hardness, high toughness and high wear resistance. Pink fused alumina is suitable for processing workpieces with high smoothness requirements, such as quenched steel, alloy steel, precision measuring tools, and instrument parts with high toughness.

F120 High Chromium Pink Fused Alumina

Pink fused alumina is mainly made of alumina powder, added chromium oxide, and melted at high temperatures. It has the advantages of high hardness, high toughness and high wear resistance. Pink fused alumina is suitable for processing workpieces with high smoothness requirements, such as quenched steel, alloy steel, precision measuring tools, and instrument parts with high toughness.

White Fused Alumina Micro Powder

White fused alumina is a white artificial corundum, like natural corundum gemstones, has the characteristics of high hardness, high temperature resistance, stable chemical properties, and high purity. The Mohs hardness of white corundum is 9, second only to diamond, with a maximum operating temperature close to 2000 ℃ and an Al2O3 content greater than 99%. These excellent material properties make the use of white fused alumina increasingly widespread in industrial production today.

It has excellent mechanical properties, including high hardness, high strength, high toughness, and wear resistance. Not only does it have high hardness, but it also has a brittle texture and strong cutting force. It has good insulation, self sharpening, wear resistance, and thermal conductivity, as well as acid and alkali corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance. Therefore, as a superhard material, white fused aluminum oxide has excellent properties.

White Fused Alumina WFA Abrasive Media

White fused alumina is a white artificial corundum, like natural corundum gemstones, has the characteristics of high hardness, high temperature resistance, stable chemical properties, and high purity. The Mohs hardness of white corundum is 9, second only to diamond, with a maximum operating temperature close to 2000 ℃ and an Al2O3 content greater than 99%. These excellent material properties make the use of white fused alumina increasingly widespread in industrial production today.

It has excellent mechanical properties, including high hardness, high strength, high toughness, and wear resistance. Not only does it have high hardness, but it also has a brittle texture and strong cutting force. It has good insulation, self sharpening, wear resistance, and thermal conductivity, as well as acid and alkali corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance. Therefore, as a superhard material, white fused aluminum oxide has excellent properties.

White Fused Alumina for Refractory

White fused alumina is a white artificial corundum, like natural corundum gemstones, has the characteristics of high hardness, high temperature resistance, stable chemical properties, and high purity. The Mohs hardness of white corundum is 9, second only to diamond, with a maximum operating temperature close to 2000 ℃ and an Al2O3 content greater than 99%. These excellent material properties make the use of white fused alumina increasingly widespread in industrial production today.

It has excellent mechanical properties, including high hardness, high strength, high toughness, and wear resistance. Not only does it have high hardness, but it also has a brittle texture and strong cutting force. It has good insulation, self sharpening, wear resistance, and thermal conductivity, as well as acid and alkali corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance. Therefore, as a superhard material, white fused aluminum oxide has excellent properties.

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